WVN Home Textiles is a Social Enterprise that creates beautiful items for the home that feature handwoven designs and fabrics. The WVN team are crowdfunding veterans, and have had two campaigns on The Spark Project. The two campaigns came at different times, and so the needs for WVN that were being addressed were different as well. 

Their first campaign was geared towards funding the production of their first line of beach towels, and the second was to raise funds for their weaver artisans to help them get support during the pandemic in early 2020. The first step in creating a crowdfunding campaign is to set both monetary and non-monetary goals. In the case of the WVN team, aside from the funding goals that were set, for their first campaign, they wanted to receive feedback from their backers on the creative designs of their beach towels, and for the second campaign, they simply wanted to promote their products and show people who were behind them. 

It may look simple and straightforward, but arriving at a single goal to focus on for a crowdfunding campaign requires a lot of careful brainstorming. You don’t want your goal to be too ambitious and large that it will be so difficult to reach, and at the same time, you don’t want it to be too vague that your audience can’t tell exactly what your purpose for crowdfunding is. You need to find the perfect balance between being clear, creative, and concise with the crowdfunding goal that you set to keep your potential supporters excited and engaged with your campaign. 

Another important factor that WVN was always successful in delivering was having great marketing collaterals that would be able to represent the essence of the campaign. The video, photos, and other visuals will help a Project Creator tell their story better, and this should definitely be used to one’s advantage. It’s a fact that it’s difficult to retain a person’s attention online, and the chances that someone on your campaign page will look through every single detail is slim. If you have inviting collaterals scattered throughout your campaign, the chances of people paying more attention to it increases, and the more people will know about what you are crowdfunding for. 

To read more about how WVN built two crowdfunding campaigns from the ground up, download the full case study here. 

Check out the WVN Summer Towels campaign here

Check out the Gift for a Cause campaign here.