Brand Assets
Brand Assets
You can download social badges to promote your crowdfunding campaign on social media. You can also access The Spark Project wordmark, logo, brand colors, and rules for using those materials.
These materials are meant to help you celebrate key campaign moments on social media and in newsletters. Aligning with The Spark Project’s visual style can help your project capture attention.
As you plan promotions, keep in mind that The Spark Project is a tool for funding creative and impact-driven work and building community. So be authentic, share what inspires you, and invite people to become a part of what you’re making.
Canva Templates and Social Badges
Use these Canva Templates for Instagram and Facebook to promote your campaigns. Or add these badges to your social media posts.

Download high-resolution versions of the Kickstarter logo and other assets.
In order to use this material you must follow these rules:
Do not use these images in a way that would confuse someone into thinking that a product or item is made or endorsed by The Spark Project.
Do not alter, stretch, condense, overlay, stylize, or otherwise skew these images in any way.
To download, right click on the image and click Save Image As...